Friday 3 July 2015

Salam Nuzul Quran yang ke 1449


Selamat menyambut Nuzul Quran yg ke 1449..

Serba sedikit kisah Nuzul Quran..

Quran ini pada asalnya terletak di Luh Mahfuz. Bagai mana Al-Quran diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW? Terdapat banyak hadith dan riwayat namun yang masyhurnya adalah, Al-Quran itu diturunkan secara serentak (sekelepuk la) dari Luh Mahfuz sehingga ke Baitul Izzah. Baitul Izzah merupakan langit yang ketujuh.

Daripada langit ketujuh itu, barulah Jibrail sampaikan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW secara berperingkat selama 23 tahun. Beberapa perdebatan berlaku di mana kemusykilan mengenai penurunan Al-Quran ; jikalah Al-Quran ini memang diturunkan oleh Allah, kenapa Allah tak turunkan serentak kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW? Jadi andaian mereka, jika selama 23 tahun nak karang Al-Quran,  menunjukkan Nabi Muhammad lah yang karang Al-Quran tersebut, kerana keupayaan manusia adalah terhad.

Tapi Allah balas pertanyaan mereka, di dalam surah Al-Furqan dinyatakan; Kenapa Aku turunkan kepada kamu wahai Muhammad secara berperingkat, sebenarnya bagi tujuan untuk meneguhkan hati-hati kamu.

Dapat dilihat di sini, walaupun Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan kekasih Allah, waima seorang insan yang hebat, namun Allah turunkan Al-Quran kepadanya secara berperingkat kerana Allah tahu keupayaan hambaNya.

Pentingnya Al-Quran di dalam menjadi petunjuk kehidupan umat manusia sehinggakan pada hari kiamat di padang Masyar nanti, Al-Quran akan menuntut dan bertanyakan haknya; adakah kita membacanya, dan bukan sekadar membaca kerana banyak ilmu-ilmu Al-Quran yang seharusnya dipelajari melalu Talaki daripada segi ayat, daripada segi hukum dan sebaiknya berguru.

Marilah kita beramal sebanyak-banyak amalan. Salam Nuzul Quran dan Ramadhan Kareem. 

Source : google image

Thursday 2 July 2015

Things I Do At Home While Holiday


Here I am, 644am in the morning. Alhamdulillah we're now on the second phase of Ramadhan. No matter in what phases we are in, do alots of good things while we are in this month and continue with the amalan for the becoming months.

Things I Do At Home Now..

To the truth, I've never have a clean and clear holiday ever since my 8 semesters of study. I've to do this and that each semester break. This time, there are few things that I did and I hope it might be useful for other references if you're going to face the same situation as me.

1) Chat With My Supervisor
Since I'm going to further my study in MSc, I've to keep in touch with my supervisor there. And not to forget, my previous beloved supervisor because he might help and contribute more in specifying the topic to my research. He is in Malaysia and it might be easy for me to communicate with and referring to. Indeed, he got too many ideas and knowledge to be extended.

2) Go Through Articles As Much As You Can
Since the topic to be chosen is quite critical, I've to be properly ready and equipped myself with the related knowledge. Yes, I'm doing my own preparation before the semester open.

3) IELTS Preparation
Oh guys, I'm preparing myself for IELTS which will be held on 8/8/2015 and it break my nerves. For those who are going to sit for IELTS, you can refer to this website for more and more information, It helps though !

4) Be Comfortable with English
Since I'm going to take IELTS, I've to watch English movie everyday without the english subtitle with regards to the preparation of listening session. We have to cope with the tone and catch the words easily ! Make your ear comfortable with it. You can also find any country's accent in youtube.

5) Find A Room To Rent
Yeah, I've decided to work with Encik Hanafi, Jurukur Aufa towards the month of my study journey. Well, its not my intention to cut off the plane on working with Dr Farid, but I need to expose myself with the surrounding and meet people and I have too upgraded myself. Hence, I've to find a room for me to rent and alhamdulillah I've found it !

Thats between the things I did at Home for my future preparation, Alhamdulillah I'm very happy to have it as part of my life.

Wassalam ~

Monday 22 June 2015

Tips on Completing A Thesis


Good day everyone ! I’m towards the ending of the year ! roadtoconvo #nya.
Alhamdulillah praise to Allah for all of the nikmat He granted. Working this out not so in rush but I’ve to make it look in rush because I’m heading home early right after my last paper. Alhamdulillah I’ve ended up my two semesters thesis which taught me a lot. In writing, in talking, in investigating, in interviewing, in stressing also !

Here, I'm writing on tips how to complete a thesis, basically for UTM student.

1) Find Supervisor

First of all, make sure to find and seek supervisor. The criteria of the supervisor is first he/she must be closely related to the topic that you desired or to the topic you’ve dreamt ever in making research. Second, choose lecturer who are willing to work with you the without missed. Sometimes the lecturers might be busy since he got too much project at the moment. Check his/her schedule ! Third, opt a supervisor that you’re comfortable to work with. Maybe your favourite lecturer or it might be the lecturer who taught your favourite subject.

2) Attend Your PSM/FYP class

Please attend the first class of the PSM/FYP  made by our coordinator. Input regarding the thesis will be told on the first week. Follow the rules, the schedules given and never delayed. Right of the first semester, an excellent student might already have data collected. 

3) Work without colleagues

This thesis taught me how does it feel to work on something without any colleagues which I firstly found that its easy however its not. Actually we’ve to fix it with the hardness level. Not every work have to depends on friends. However I found that within the hard limit, I succeed to carry it out aloud alone which is the final field work I performed. I did succeed connecting my controller to the network where initially its not functioning for weeks. (paham tak? I’m pretty sure that you aren’t. what I meant is I did the field work on the previous weeks of my succeed week where to the truth, the network is not functioning at all in south area) – (if you can’t grab what I meant, please let me know in the comment below and I will make sure to correct it when I’ve acknowledge how to write it right.)

4) Writing 

Now is the time for writing ! Please ! Meet your supervisors every week. Submit your progress regardless of the file size. It means that, no matter how small your progress, meet your supervisor bcs that way is the only way you might gain help from sv.

5) Format

Few formats should I highlighted here :

- sv declaration should follow the thesis outline. I've the softcopy if you want it, just email me at
- the margin have to be 4cm from left and 2.5cm from top, bottom and right.
-the figures caption in thesis, should be written followed by chapters, not round number. never refer to someone else besides your own coordinator. Remember that !

eg : there are three figures in chapter 3. Therefore, the numbering for the figures should be written as 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 If in chapter 4, there are two figure, then it should be written as 4.1 and 4.2.

-the figures caption should be written at the bottom while for table, it should be written on top.

you might have to explore the UTM Manual Thesis 2007 for more format details. Please READ one by one.

5) Printing 

After all of the format was checked, arrange the pages chapter by chapter so that its easy for you to print it later. Below are shortlist on what to concern more.

Printing price - Normal price for the laser printing is RM1 for A4. However, there might be a promotion offered by the printing shops which is RM0.50 per pages for laser printing and RM0.05 for black and white printing services for 3 sets and above. We’re fortunate because the shop near KTDI which is in the Arked Angkasa offered us with that cost ! Alhamdulillah. Generally, Lily shop located at Taman U also have RM0.05 for black and white printing for more than 30 pages but I’m not sure is laser printing available or not.

Penjilidan - For penjilidan process, I found that Lily shop offered RM20 per set. In Rainbow (which is more preferable, I don’t know why, suggested by seniors and few person I asked), they offer RM18 per set for sets of 3 and above. If one set, then the price might be RM20.

Please know that printing and penjilidan is a different process and might be different shop if you can figure it out. You might jilid (hard cover) of your thesis in Taman U area.

Front page and spine - Just prepare a draft on it and give it to Rainbow and they will do it for us.

So total of the project is RM110 for 3 thesis. We’ve to print 3 copies taw. 2 for libraries and 1 for sv. So make sure you’ve the money at the end of the semester. Plan your finance well ! LOL. hahahaha

6) Submission

The thesis should be compliment with CDs. The content of the CD is a pdf file of your combined thesis. The CDs should be covered with a hard box (i don't know what to call them as) not the soft one. Submit 2 copies to the coordinator and 1 copy for your supervisor. Personally hand it to them.

This is the only things I should have highlighted generally for others' reference. You should do your own research too on the manual given.

Good Luck GUYS !!!!!!! I've finished my session-2015 and your turn is just around the corner.